Winter is coming and for sure will cold and flu season. Fortify yourself with these 11 natural powerful antibiotics. cheers.
The effects of meditation on the brain #infographic #meditation
Practice of meditation and mindfulness can have profound positive effects on the brain. Lets practice. Cheers.
7 Fun ways to improve your memory #infographic #memory
Rewiring The Brain #Infographic
How do you reprogram yourself to do great things, do healthy things? This great infographic has very good overview on why and how. Cheers.
This infograph is full of useful facts about the brain. For example, did you know that you can keep your brain in good shape by engaging in highly focused activities?
Source: Rewiring The Brain –
65 Common Symptoms of Stress + 6 Natural Ways to Manage Stress
That damn stress!
Stress! We all have had it and matter of fact, you might be going through it right now. You would be surprised by all the affect it has on you. I have been fascinated by Stress and its affects on a human body ever since
I was told by my doctor that my periodic chest pain was as a result of stress and anxiety. The thing that worried me most was I wasn’t even aware that I was stressed.
My mindfulness exercises have taught me on how to be more aware of it as more often than not, it is silent predator that I deal with every day. Here is a very good infographic on 65 signs and symptoms of stress. Hopefully this will help everyone else as well.
Source: 65 Common Symptoms of Stress + 6 Natural Ways to Manage Stress
What do successful people do before going to bed -Infographic
10 Steps to make Sunday productive -Infographic
16 Easy-To-Try Motivation Tips To Get More Done #Infographic
15 Ways to Stop Procrastinating Right Now and Start Being Productive -Infographic
Guide to the Bullet Journal System -Infographic
I have started to get into journaling. Bullet journaling keeps track of the past, present and future and is very flexible way to chronicle. It is a jornaling technique that helps organize you as well. Below is a infographic summary and click trhough to the source for more in depth description. Cheers.