Legendary quote
“Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open.”
If there was one quote that if I had to rank as being a top 10 quote ever, this quote would be it. This famous quote has been attributed to Frank Zappa Or Thomas Dewar depending on the source. But the gist of the quote is so simple and eye opening, the quote has always stuck with me.
Especially during these times of division with the election and name calling and flat out closed minded attitudes on both sides, an ability to appreciate both point of views are so critical.
It seems logic and inclusive love of your neighbor is thrown out the window even more of a common place behavior. Minds are closed and communication or a lack thereof is done via shouting or speaking over at each other.
Epictetus said “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” We are sorely lacking in this perspective right now.
Lets open our minds, respect our neighbors regardless of our disagreements. Our kids are watching us and we are not setting a good example.
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