Seize the day. Not the past.
Ain’t that the truth!
Did you know that Alexander Graham Bell who is credited with the invention of the telephone also created a precursor to the metal detector?
He also invented a Photophone which allowed people to talk wirelessly via a beam of light in shocking 1880. Only a full century later did this type of technology started to be utilized via fiber optics.
His inventions and experiments spanned many different areas such as hydrofoils, aeronautics, and eugenics as well as communication.
There is no question his invention of the telephone cemented his name in history and garnered many honors. But he was very curious and never stood still. He lived his now famous quote all his life.
Living in the past is not very productive. Appreciating and learning from the past is so much better.
No matter how great or bad it was, we shouldn’t let it define us. Don’t get so wrapped up in the past that you ignore those around you today.
While you turn around to savor the past, you might be totally oblivious to a new more amazing present opening before you.
When one door closes, another opens;
but we often look so long and regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.