Anatomy of giving up – And never give up!
Why do we give up? Below are 13 reasons on why we give up. Be mindful of these reasons, it will help you avoid its traps.
1. People are impatient.
When things don’t go their way, they give up.
2. They lose their belief in themselves.
Negative self-talks like, ” I’m not good at this.”. “I am not sure if I belong.” make you put yourself down?
Why? You have control over yourself. Don’t do it.
3. Get stuck in the past.
This is very common. It is easy to look at the past and compare the present. Unfortunately, the past is ancient history.
Make new history for yourself today. Learn from the past but do not live in it.
4. Dwell on mistakes.
We all catch ourselves thinking about mistakes we have made turning situations over and over in our heads until we get into a cycle of negativity resulting in paralysis.
Be mindful of when this happens and catch yourself from doing it. Like the past, you learn from mistakes.
It is not something to beat yourself up about over and over.
5. Fear the future.
We all fear the unknown and that is natural. Fear itself is fine but let’s manage it and get over it.
If a lion is running toward you, you can’t be paralyzed with fear. You should be running and get away. Act now.
Future is not as scary as you think and by the way, remember you determine how your future will turn out anyway.
6. Resist change.
It is easy to get comfortable in what has always been. But change is what brings improvement. No change brings stagnation and decay eventually.
Challenge yourself and embrace change. And if you don’t like it, then move on and change it again until you are in a better place.
7. Give up their power.
Don’t give up on yourself. Many people because of frustrations, refuse to use the powerful capabilities they have innately in themselves.
You are not powerless. You are powerful.
8. Believe in their weakness.
Everyone has many weaknesses. Michael Jordan is most likely not a good carpenter (not confirmed) but a damn good basketball and golf player.
Does he dwell on his weaknesses? Why should you? Every one of us has many strengths. Recognize it and focus on it.
9. Feels the world owes them something.
That entitlement mentality is never productive. The moment you start to point your fingers, you are justifying your powerlessness.
If someone owes you something, then go get it. Act! Whining and pointing fingers just dig yourself deeper into your hole of despair and helplessness. And believe me, whiners are not very attractive.
10. Fear failure more than desiring success.
Fear of failure is a very common and we all face it. Again, how you deal with failure is how you will use it as fuel.
Envision failure as a learning experience. Learning is a good thing. It is an enlightening thing. Equate failure with it and you will not fear failure but welcome it.
Just as we seek out mentors to learn from them and just as we read books to increase our knowledge, failure is an amazing teacher of success. Don’t be afraid of it.
11. Feel they have something to lose.
This fear is all very real. Especially for those of us with family and a mortgage. What if I quit my job to start this and it doesn’t work out. How will I survive?
That self talk is normal and prudent even. Perhaps, to mitigate this you could side hustle and get on it slowly before you take the leap. Many folks do this.
Perhaps alternatively, you should boost your savings to a certain level so you have a cushion while you are working things out. There are many other options.
Short of your family and your health, there aren’t much you should worry about losing. Don’t give up or not start because of this fear.
12. Overwork.
We are all guilty of this. There are folks who advocate working 80 plus hours a week and only path to success.
I am totally for hard work but not at the expense of your physical and mental heath. Big goals take tons of work and time, this is also a marathon. You should pace yourself and listen to your body when it starts to tell you to rest. Make time to exercise and stretch. Make sure you set aside time with friends and family. Don’t compromise. The most successful folks I have seen, all have this in spades. They work hard but know what is really the most important thing.
Big goals take tons of work and time, this is also a marathon. You should pace yourself and listen to your body when it starts to tell you to rest. Make time to exercise and stretch. Make sure you set aside time with friends and family. Don’t compromise. The most successful folks I have seen, all have this in spades. They work hard but know what is really the most important thing.
Make time to exercise and stretch. Make sure you set aside time with friends and family. Don’t compromise.
The most successful folks I have seen all have this in spades. They work hard but know what is really the most important thing.
13. Feel sorry for themselves.
When you feel sorry for yourself, you have already lost. When you feel sorry for yourself, you are making justifications for failure.
This puts you in negative thinking spiral that is very difficult to get out of. Be mindful of this and don’t let yourself get in this state.
Check out this inspirational story of amazing folks who refused to give up!
Never give up. Arthur Boorman’s Inspirational Story
Don’t Give up! He never gave up despite all odds Video Nick Vujicic
It is never too late. Start now. Check out this hot Grandpa!
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[…] about 13 reasons why people give up. More you are mindful about the reasons. more you will be able to find courage to go on to achieve […]