Learn these principles to become successful
Along with How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is required reading for my family. I even give the book to friends and family as gifts as the wisdom in it if used faithfully can be an amazing tool for success.
Napoleon Hill wrote the book with inspiration from Andrew Carnegie who at the time was the richest person in the world. He analyzed Carnegie and more than 500 self-made millionaires to come up with the formula for success.
Desire. – You start with that burning desire. That desire to achieve or want something. You visualize what you want in order to get it. More passionate about that thing you want, more you will be able to make it a reality. Wishing is passive will not get you there. Desire it and have a burning passion for it.
Faith. – Get your mindset straight. Believe that you will achieve it. If you have doubts in your mind, mentally remove the doubt. Have faith that you will achieve it.
Auto-suggestion. – Suggest and convince yourself that you will achieve your goal. Speak to yourself morning and night that you will achieve your goal. Be specific about the goal and as you say this over and over, more you will convince your subconsciousness that you will achieve it.
Specialized knowledge. -Be curious and always be in a learning mode. It is not necessarily about education but the continuous thirst to learn what is necessary to achieve your goal. Most successful people are voracious readers.
Imagination. Use your imagination. Ideas come out of your imagination. Once you have an idea, develop it. Hill says Coca-Cola came out of a single idea. Look what that single idea has created.
Organized planning. Now you have the idea and are visualizing it. Take action and plan to get you there. Put the plan into action and be persistent. Things might not work out initially but persistence and passion for what you are trying to approach will help you reach your goal.
Decision. Don’t overthink things and procrastinate. Being decisive is critical. Perhaps it might not be the right decision but you can make course corrections along the way.
Persistence. Failures and mistakes along the way are normal. Being persistent and the having the wherewithal to get through the tough period is critical. Napoleon Hill says “Riches do not respond to wishes. They respond only to definite plans, backed by definite desires, through constant persistence.”
Mastermind. Surround yourself with the best people and mentors who support and understand your vision. No one can go it alone.
The mystery of sex transmutation. Utilize the sexual desire and its powerful energy to transform it to enhance imagination, courage, willpower, persistence and creativity. Hill says, “Love, Romance, and Sex are all emotions capable of driving men to heights of super achievement. When combined, these three emotions many lift one to an altitude of genius.
The subconscious mind. Your mind will listen to whichever voice you talk to it. Keep your thoughts and self-talk positive so it will dominate your mind.
The brain. Always associate yourself with intelligent and positive people. Your brain picks up vibrations of thoughts from other people. Get a boost by being around people who make you better.
The sixth sense. When you have mastered the other 12 principles, Napoleon Hill says you will develop sort of a “spidey sense” or an intuition that alerts you do dangers and opportunities that are not apparent to most people.
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