Here are the 12 laws of Karma everyone should know to achieve anything!
1. The Great Law
- “As you sow, so shall you reap.” is Also known as the “Law of Cause and Effect.”
- Whatever one puts out into the Universe will come back to them. In essence, If you want happiness, you need to give happiness. If you want a good friend, you need to be a good friend to someone else.
2. The Law of Creation
- Life doesn’t just happen. It requires our participation.
- We are one with the Universe, both inside and out.
- Whatever surrounds us gives us clues to our inner state. If your surroundings do not reflect what you wish to see, make the changes internally to create external change.
3. The Law of Humility
- Accept what it is, let go of what was, and make changes toward what will be.
- Even an enemy, the feeling that harbor toward that person creates negativity. Accept that the person as who it is and as part of your journey and keep moving forward.
4. The Law of Growth
- “Wherever you go, there you are.”
- We have control over ourselves. We need to change ourselves and not things or people around us to grow.
- No one can control us but ourselves.
- Our growth can happen over any circumstances.
5. The Law of Responsibility
- One must take responsibility for what is in one’s life.
- Our lives are out own doing and nothing else.
- Things happens to us for a reason. There is no good or bad except the label we give them.
6. The Law of Connection
- Each step no matter how small needs to be done as the universe is connected.
- Each task to get to the next to the end goal all important and necessary.
- The Past, Present, and Future are all connected.
7. The Law of Focus
- One can not direct attention beyond a single task.
- We become what we think about. Be aware of our thoughts.
- Negative thoughts attract negative things to our life.
8. The Law of Giving and Hospitality and abundance.
- All things in the universe is flowing in circulation while expanding outwards.
- Our willingness to give what we seek whether friendship, money, love brings the same into our lives.
- We should not give with an expectation of getting something else back as the act of giving is the reward itself.
9. The Law of Here and Now
- One cannot be in the here and now if they are looking backward to examine what was or forward to worry about the future.
- Focusing on the past thoughts, dreams and behaviors prevent us from having new ones.
- The present moment is all we have.
10. The Law of Change
- History repeats itself until we learn the lessons that we need to change our path.
- Change is natural and we need to be unattached and free of ego to thrive in it.
11. The Law of Patience and Reward
- A patient mindset will be rewarded the highest reward.
- Enjoy the process of doing and live in the now.
12. The Law of Significance and Inspiration
- What we put in energetically contributes to the entire universe and not just ourselves.
- Our thoughts and actions impact everyone as we are all connected.
- Be grateful for all of our life experiences.
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